IC1805 – Heart Nebula

Let’s start off by saying that I am by no means an astro expert. This early review comes from someone just starting out in the hobby of astrophotography. While some would claim that using a “smart” telescope isn’t true to the hobby, I would disagree by saying that not everyone has the time to put…
As a follow up to my previous IC5070, I wanted to post a three night stack. This is roughly 20 hours of data. Now, I’ll admit that this is only a relatively quick edit… I’ve been busy with work and family things. But still, it’s amazing the difference between one night and three. It should…
Not that I wasn’t thrilled with my last attempt at heart nebula, but I was really only just starting to get an understanding of what the Vespera Passengers is capable of and, most importantly, what its limitations are. On that front, it’s still definitely a work in progress. That said, with every night that I…
Date: 2023.11.21Integration Time: 176 MinutesScope: Vaonis Vespera PassengersFocal Length: 200mmFocal Ratio: f/4
It’s been a hot minute. To be honest, it’s been very cloudy here in Texas. And when it wasn’t cloudy, I was busy testing the new Vaonis Vespera Pro. I’ll write on it soon, but it was very unsuccessful; I ended up returning it. So, this is the first imaging in the summer of 2024…
My first integration over several nights. Dates: Wanting to try something different, I took a shot at pixel math to try and create a different palette. It isn’t perfect, but still fun to learn. Eventually I’ll get around to doing the hubble palette or something similar. As always, here’s a timelapse from the Vespera Passengers’…